【Tianmei ●Good News】Tianmei was awarded the honorary title of "2023 Credit A-level (Statistical Trustworthy) Enterprise" by Zhongshan Bureau of Statistics

Release Time. 2024-01-18 views:0


       Recently, Tianmei was honored to be awarded the honorary title of "2023 Credit A-level (Statistical Trustworthy) Enterprise" by Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Statistics. This honor is not only a high recognition of our company's statistical work, but also an affirmation of our company's honest management.


The Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Statistics announced the list

       After winning the honorary title of "Zhongshan Statistical Integrity Demonstration Enterprise" in 2021, our company once again won the honorary title of "2023 Credit A-level (Statistical Trustworthy) Enterprise" in statistical work. It is worth mentioning that among the many enterprises participating in the evaluation in Huangpu Town, our company is one of the only two companies that have obtained the certificate.

       Our company well aware that integrity is the foundation of an enterprise, and trustworthiness is the soul of an enterprise. Our company always adheres to the principle of honest management, adheres to the truthful, accurate, complete and timely provision of statistical data, strictly abides by statistical laws and regulations, consciously fulfills the obligation of statistical survey, and makes positive contributions to promoting economic and social development.


     Thanks to the Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Statistics for its trust and support to our company, we will continue to adhere to the integrity of management, continuously improve the quality of statistical data, and make greater contributions to promoting economic and social development.

     Finally, our company hopes to work with more enterprises to create a good atmosphere of honest management and promote the healthy development of the economy and society.

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